Trump, Clinton and Fantasy Football
Trump, Clinton and Fantasy Football
They all looked at me weird.
A few looked angry.
Some thought I was for Trump. Others thought I was for Clinton.
… I was after wings and beer.
Smokey Bones had sent an email earlier in the day. “Come in tonight — eat the wings and enjoy the debate with us!” — It said.
I honestly had to think for a minute to remember who was running. But the idea of sitting at a bar — watching the Falcons and Saints on one TV — and listening to the debate on another sounded fun.
“I’m here to watch the debate like your email said.” I told the bartender.
She looked dumbfounded. “What email?”
“Never mind — Could you turn the volume up so I could hear it?”
“No- the volume doesn’t work on the TV” She said.
So there I sat — trying to read the captions while keeping an eye on football on the next TV and checking my Fantasy score.
I love fantasy football.
But what was weird was the feeling in the place. The huge dinosaur in the room. Everyone had a STRONG opinion of who should win- but everyone tried to HIDE it.
It was like watching Tiger Woods putt at the Masters. Some want it to go in, some don’t. — But everyone shuts up.
As for me — I don’t care if the ball goes in or not. I like to watch the game.
What I’m going to say is going to make people mad. Most of the people at the bar last night would be mad. You might even HATE me!
When I was a little boy I asked my Mom why there were so many orange cones on our road.
“Honey” she said, “They always do this during the election years- it helps them get the votes.”
My Mom had some wisdom.
Ask any American voter if our leaders lie. The “yes” answers would be staggering. Ask them why they still vote and they say something like: “They ALL lie — I vote for who I think is lying the least.”
… Seriously?
How can you know who’s lying the least if someone is lying in the first place?
For nearly 50 years I watched politicians use half truths to mislead, tear up our infrastructure, crush small business, prop up there supporters with tax money and illegally disregard our constitution. (Of course they had lawyers who told them what they were doing WAS legal). — — In American it’s always legal if you pay enough.
Then they build statues of each other, all the while calling themselves: “public servants”.
I think my definition of servant is different.
I’ve had enough.
I don’t vote.
Voting is time I will never get back.
It’s like the eighties movie “War Games”: “The only way to win is… NOT TO PLAY”.
The only change in the world that has any impact is the change you make in YOU. No one else is going to make things better.
Never have… never will.
It was unfair to ask any of them to do it for you. It’s unfair to think anyone will — or even could. Making the world better is YOUR job.
You make the world better by building a better you. Then you share some of your good with others. The whole world rejoices when you find your joy!
If you’re going to play in a world of fantasy I recommend football.
…Go Bronco’s! … Dang that new quarterback looks good!
Because in football the players don’t hit each other nearly so hard.