These Final Hours
You are going to die.
The sparks are flying everywhere. You can feel the heat from 100 miles away.
The earth is burning. You only have minutes to live.
Who do you want to spend it with?
I’m tired today. I stayed up way too late last night.
I thought I’d watch some Netflix before I went to bed. Turned on a movie I’d never heard of… couldn’t turn it off. Been thinking about it all day.
Watch it. It’s called: “These Final Hours”
It’s about the end of the world. What happens when everyone knows it’s coming. How everyone deals with it.
Some people become cruel. They murder, steal and rape. They want to get what they can while they can.
Other people try and numb away the thought. They turn to drugs. Alcohol. Sex.
Some people become survivalists. If they can just get tough enough maybe they can survive. These people remind me of many of the people who call themselves “martial artists” today. I don’t think this is martial arts at all.
Still others try to face mortality with quiet dignity. With love for others and for those around them.
It begs an important question.
If you absolutely knew you were going to die; how would you spend the rest of your life?
Real martial arts is learning to live with this quiet dignity.
We look out into the darkness and are scared. We don’t always know what’s next. But when we face our future with mindfulness one thing we become certain of.
Love is more powerful than death.
There is no death. There is only love snatching us back into its womb.
We only have a little time together.
How will you spend it?