Invisible Boy
Don't stay invisible!
Years ago Sempais youngest son ran in a race. He finished 30th.
With a frown on his face he said to his Mom: “That’s not very good.”
She said: “Honey, there are 70,000 kids that live in Northwest Ohio who COULD have run today.
“You showed up. You beat everyone who stayed home. The way I figure it coming in 30 out of 70,000 is pretty great!”
Good advice.
You’re like a rubber band. When you lay around limp and lifeless you have no use. But when you stretch that’s when you’ve got a purpose.
So why don’t you stretch more?
Maybe you don’t love yourself enough.
Elizabeth Gilbert says that all books are about self acceptance. She explained that no matter how many times you edit and re-edit your work you eventually have say “DONE” and release it. You are saying to the world: “Here I am. I may not be perfect but this is ME.”
I had redrafted and edited my first book about a dozen times. Finally I said screw it.
Now I’m published.
You have to become a writer before you can become a good writer. You have to become a runner before you become a good runner. You have to become a martial artist before you can become a good one.
Ego is a funny thing. Most people think egotistical people are arrogant. Most ego hides in shyness. Fear is the ego's weapon.
Ego says: “I’m afraid of what people will think of me so I stay home”.
The ego loves the couch.
One of my favorite movies is a 90’s film called “Mystery Men”. (I know - my taste in movies is basically awful.)
The movie is about a bunch of misfit superheroes. They all have a power of some sort BUT with some odd limitation.
The funniest is the Invisible Boy. He has the power of invisibility. But he can only go invisible WHEN NO ONE IS LOOKING!
One of the great secrets of life is we all have a similar power. We are invisible. Most of the time no one is looking.
Do you remember who won the college football national championship last year?
Do you remember which team finished number 12?
Me neither.
Why do we remember the “Good old days”?
Because we only remember THE GOOD PARTS!
To be remembered you’ve got to become good. The only way to be good is to participate.
People don’t get involved in martial arts because they are afraid they will look stupid. They say to me: “What will everyone think of me?”
They don’t realize no one can see them.
Maybe visibility is the mission in life. You try things and then you work at becoming excellent at them. When you become excellent you become visible. Then you exist.
Let go of your ego and get off the couch. Exist.
Take an art class. Write a poem. Ski.
Maybe start your own blog.
Maybe some day people will see it.