How To Commit Suicide. (The Easy Way)
I hid the picture.
Sempai Shelly makes fun of it.
I hope no one ever sees it.
I looked like I was dying. Pasty white, gaunt, crooked teeth. Like a skeleton. Like the Hobgoblin from Spider-man without the muscles.
Standing with Chuck Norris’s arm around me.
That’s what happens to you when you start to die. It shows in pictures.
They hadn't put me in the coffin yet. They might as well have.
I was in a relationship that was dead.
I was surrounded by insecure people. People just like me.
I put money before health. I thought money came from effort. Since there was never enough money there was never enough effort. I was killing myself.
Caring for my health and my body was secondary.
Secondary things don’t get done.
My mind was weak. I didn’t know how to make my mind strong. I didn’t know how to THINK.
Spiritually I was dead. I forgot to be grateful.
There I was. Standing beside Chuck Norris. His life was 100% opposite mine.
The picture told it all.
Want to tear down a house? There’s the easy way and the hard way.
The hard way is you hire contractors and they come out with heavy equipment.
The easy way is abandon it. Stop improving it. Leave it empty.
It might take twenty years the easy way. But it will start breaking down from the very first week.
Most people are committing suicide.
I was committing suicide. I was on the twenty year plan.
Directions for suicide. (The easy way).
Surround yourself with bargaining chips instead of friends.
“If you do this for me… then I’ll do that for you”.
These are not friends. These are business transactions. Bad business transactions.
These people do not support you. They suck the life out of you.
I was a fool. I gave them what they wanted.
But when you give them what they want, it’s never enough.
It’s not their fault. There will always be people like this. They are what they are. They are like head lice. They are just looking for a host. Someone who doesn’t bathe enough.
I was dirty. They found me.
If you want great people around you you’ve got to mentally bathe every day.
Put money first.
As the saying goes. “Money makes a wonderful servant, but a terrible master”.
When I was a kid I wanted a trophy. My brother had some trophies for basketball. I thought if I got even just one trophy it would make me happy.
I signed up for Karate. I went to my first tournament. I won. I had a huge trophy!
But it looked so alone there on my dresser. It really needed to be balanced out by another.
And another. And another. And another. It never ends.
Money’s like that. When money is your main priority it doesn’t matter how much you’ve got. You’ll want more.
When money’s your goal you will sacrifice your health, your relationships, even your happiness to find more.
The crazy thing is that when health, relationships and happiness disappear...
... so does the money.
Stop developing your mind.
Most people never learn how to develop their mind.
You develop your mind by thinking.
But most people don’t know how to think.
We are taught to obey. Not think.
Thinking is creating. Thinking is staying on a subject long enough for the good ideas to come. Writing them down. Exercising the mind until it becomes strong.
Thinking is like seated meditation. You start; you get bored and say “This is a waste of time”. You stop and figure it’s just not for you. But if you stay, if you keep meditating you’ll see. Your mind will become stronger. More focused.
I heard a poet said. “If you walk around New York for ten minutes you’ll be aware of the tall buildings. If you walk around New York all day the buildings will make you SCREAM”.
You’ve got to think long enough that your mind muscles begin to scream. They scream, they get tired, they get stronger. You get smarter.
Think for ten minutes that’s one thing. Think for an hour every day and your life will change.
The most important thing you do today will involve silence and a pad of paper.
Try it. Write down ten ideas on any subject. You’ll get to four or five easy. But going further is hard work. That’s what exercising your mind feels like.
Do this daily.
Don’t skip even one day.
Stop caring for you health.
Start every day with one simple question. How can I improve my health by 1% today?
As I’m writing this post I’m standing. I figured out how to put my laptop on top of a small table that I can stack on top of my coffee table. That’s my 1% today.
I’m not sure what it will be tomorrow.
Stop being thankful.
I used to tell staff to encourage kids. Find them doing things right and build them up. Build kids up 10 times for every time you correct.
You know what I found?
It was hard for staff to build kids up because they hadn’t practiced. They’d walk around and say: “That’s good” over and over again. “Good” was the only compliment they knew how to give.
They hadn’t practiced.
I made up a list. The list was called “100 ways to give a compliment”. It listed 100 different ways to tell someone they are doing a good job. Words like “Fantastic”, “Fabulous”, “You just made my day”, and 97 more.
Our staff became experts in praise.
Gratitude is like that. If you can’t think of enough things to thank God for it it doesn’t mean She’s not giving them to you. It only means you haven’t practiced looking!
Get out your pad of paper again and write down ten things you are thankful for. Do this every single day.
For the rest of your life..
Making the mistake of trying to take negative people with you.
The people you have in your life right now are the sum total of the people you deserve. You attracted them based on your level of thinking.
When you change your level of thinking they get uncomfortable.
It’s natural to want to save them. You are dying and in some way they wouldn’t be with you unless they were dying too. It's sad to watch others die. You might want to reach out your hand to save them.
If you do they will try and pull you back down.
Instead imagine yourself as cutting through a jungle with a machete.
Cut! Cut! Cut!
Nice trail. If they want to follow they will.
Don’t look back.
I hope some day I get to meet Chuck Norris again. I hope someone takes a picture.
I bet he won’t recognize me.