Rank and Testing in Martial Arts (REGISTER HERE)
“Never leave the scene of a decision without scheduling a time and a place that assures it’s fulfillment”
Information about martial arts rank tests. For detailed information about rank exams, their requirements and purpose, click one of the links below the video.
Information about Martial Arts Rank tests. (Please register online for your rank test).
Scroll down to the matching number to get the answer to any rank and testing question.
1. Why we have rank and testing today
2. Four divisions of rank in our dojo
3. When are the tests, and how does a student become eligible?
4. (Ages 17 and Older) Adult rank requirements
5. (Ages 10 - 16 years) Teen rank requirements
6. (Ages 6 - 10 years) Dragon rank requirements
7. Reward System (Tokens) for Dragon and Teen Students
8. (Ages 3 - 5 years) Tiger requirements
Why we have rank and testing today.
Progress in martial arts can be hard to measure. Curriculum allows you to follow your progress as you move toward the results of your lessons. You will know you have mastered the material based on the rank you’ve earned and that learning is signified by your rank.
The original reason for rank was to set and establish the culture of the dojo. Newer students could look at the next level up for guidance and follow their example of effort, courtesy and technique. In traditional Martial Arts the rank is significant. The wearer is marked as a leader for all students of a lower rank. Thus if a lower ranking student follows the etiquette and technique of a higher rank the correct technique and culture of the dojo is passed on accurately.
There is one final reason for rank and testing. One day while talking to Sifu Brown (Sempai and my own Kung-fu teacher) I asked him: "Why do we have to go through the process of testing for rank? Can't we just go to classes and practice together?"
Sifu looked directly into my eyes and said: "Sensei, let me ask you a question; how to you perform kote gaeshi on your left side?"
I was taken back just a bit and then said. "Well sir, I can do it, but it's certainly not as good as my right."
Sifu responded: "Sensei remember this one thing; when you take your next test you will be study and learn to do the move equally well on both sides!"
Our standards for rank follow a tradition of high standards. Our rank is never used to sell a program, instead rank is considered the foundation for the culture of our school. As a result our rank requirements are a throwback to the early days of Martial Arts, a time when was promoted you could rest assured that this person was truly a phenomenal Martial Artist both mentally and physically. *See footnote*
“*Unfortunately here in the West many dojos have forsaken the original purpose of rank. In the West rank has been used primarily as a sales tool to entice students to sign up for longer term programs. Prior to the late 1980’s practically anyone who achieved the rank of Black Belt was an amazingly solid Martial Artist. The standards were high and the results spoke for themselves. Today, regrettably, in many places Black Belt has become meaningless. We believe using rank as a revenue generating tool is unfortunate. The lowering of standards is the single biggest factor that has diminished the perceived value of Martial Arts as a whole.”
2. Four divisions of rank in our dojo.
There are four divisions of students at our dojo. Below is a list of class hour requirements and standards for each group. The list is quite long so scroll down to see all of it. Keep in mind that the achieving of a certain number of classes while in itself is a great accomplishment, is no guarantee that a student will be ready to test. A student still must be training hard, displaying good attitude both on and off the mats and improving the technique we are seeing in class. Our tests are comprehensive and challenging and must be prepared for in advance in order for you to be promoted. See class and skills requirements by simply clicking the appropriate link below.
The style we teach is progressive and is constantly expanding, new technique are integrated in and sometimes new knowledge can make older technique obsolete. In exactly the same way our testing standards may change in subtle ways with the expansion of new martial art technique. Check back to your requirements section before every test to be certain you are up to date on all current requirements.
3. When are the tests, and how does a student become eligible?
Your first test: White
Our monthly tests for Dragons and Teens includes yellow through blue. Monthly tests for adults include 1st White through Blue sash. Higher rank tests are held quarterly in March, June, September, and December. All tests are usually the second Saturday of the month unless there is a conflict with a holiday.
Tests are held at separate times and in separate groups. These first rank tests - while certainly not the hardest you will face - will be an excellent workout, and will also acclimate you to testing procedures and teach you what to expect of more challenging exams in the future. You should fill out the online form for you to set your goal and planned test date. You can also see the specific date and time of your test on our calendar.
This is the same video as the top of the page.
The first rank test is considered for many to be the most important because it marks the place in your lessons where you actually become a student of the art. To the right is a video that explains the process of becoming a student and what to expect in the future of your practice.
Higher rank testing
Our dojo's calendar and rank tests are set up and divided into quarters. Quarters will conclude in March, June, September and December. Testing will coincide with the end of each quarter and will usually be the second Saturday of that month unless it falls on a holiday). To be sure of our exact dates and times following an end to a quarter, please visit our calendar.
To take an exam students should register with the dojo stating his/her intention to test. Please use our online form to sign up and register for your test. The form is a student's way of making a promise to attend the appropriate number of classes, and study the material to be ready to pass there exam. Here is the link to your sign up form.
On testing day, we will verify that the student has attended the proper number of classes. There will be no exceptions for not completing the minimum number of classes for that particular rank. Once testing is complete, and the student successfully passes their requirements, the belts/sashes will be ordered, and presented to the students usually about a week later during class.
4. Adult Ranking Requirements
White (25 classes minimum)
Also completion of onboard tutorial found at: www.ohiomartialarts.com/onboard
Student must be able to repeat out loudtheir requirements: Sparring stance, side step front foot high block front hand, head hug block, jab, cross, hook punch, uppercut, front kick, knee strike rising delivery
Yellow (50 classes minimum)
All the above plus: side step front foot high block back hand, side step back foot high block front hand, palm strike, low palm strike, nukite strike, roundhouse kick
Gold (75 classes minimum)
All the above plus: side step front foot low block front hand, side step front foot low block back arm, side step back foot low block front arm, hammer fist downward delivery, hammer fist reverse delivery, haku geri, side kick (At this level all adult students are invited to visit Sifu Brown's dojo in Detroit for class one night. This visit is optional, but you will love it!)
Orange (100 classes minimum)
All the above plus: elbow strike downward delivery, elbow strike roundhouse delivery, elbow strike rising delivery, elbow strike reverse delivery, knife hand downward delivery, knife hand reverse delivery, hook kick.
Blue (150 classes minimum)
All the above plus: seated meditation for 30 min. no movement, chudan and jodan blocks, heito, backfist, snake strike, crane strike, knee strike roundhouse delivery, inside crescent kick, outside crescent kick, axe kick, fumokomi geri, back kick , Two page written paper titled: "How the Practice of Martial Arts Has Changed my Life" (From Lesson Ten in Lessons in Mindfulness)
Many of the techniques in high rank tests below will be demonstrated during controlled free rolling, chin-na, and free sparring. Note: (Numbers beside high rank skills are page numbers from the book “Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu: Theory and Technique” by John Danaher and Henzo Gracie)
Green (200 classes minimum)
All the above plus: seated meditation for 45 min. no movement, (Currently this meditation can be done on your own in advance of your test). A) 3 combinations you will have created and trained on in advance with one defensive and three offensive techniques B) Sensei's Combinations: any four techniques in any order. C) Kote Gaeshi from any lapel or wrist grab D) Side Stepping Drill with partner E) Kata Kumite F) Jiu-Jitsu Techniques: falling - front, back, side, front and back roll outs, closed guard, open guard, butterfly guard, full mount, side mount, north-south, knee in stomach, escape from wrist grabs both one and two handed grabs 06 and 07, technical lift stand up 61, upa 03, shrimp 49, scissors sweep 18, push sweep against wide base 26, hip heist, G) Free Sparring, H) Free Rolling, I) Two page written paper titled: "The Single Thing that Practicing Martial Arts Has Done for Me"
Purple (300 classes minimum)
All the above plus: seated meditation 60 min. no movement, A) 5 combinations you will have created and trained on in advance (one defensive technique and three offensive). B) Sensei's Combinations: Be able to demonstrate up to any five techniques in any order. C) Kote Gaeshi, Ikkyo and Sankyo, from any lapel or wrist grab D) Jiu-Jitsu Techniques: collar choke using their shirt 11, single arm bar from guard 51, double arm bar from guard, defense against shoulder grab 40, kumura from guard 36, guillotine from guard 37, elbow escape from side mount 30, stack to pass 17, finger lock against choke 74, defense against bent over headlock E) Free Sparring, F) Free Rolling, G) Two page paper titled: "What Does it Mean to be a Warrior in Modern Times?"
Brown (400 classes minimum)
All of the above plus: A) 5 combinations you will have created and trained on in advance, one defensive technique and four offensive techniques. B) Sensei's Combinations: Be able to demonstrate up to any six techniques in any order. C) Jiu-Jitsu Techniques: defense against rear bear hug 13, americana 19, arm bar from mount 20, defense against guillotine 21, double ankle grab sweep 23, elevator sweep 27, frame headlock and bear hug escape 28, defense against one arm rear standing choke, defense against front bear hug over arms 33, rear naked choke E) Free Sparring F) Two page paper: "What Makes Practicing Martial Arts Different than Anything Else I could be doing with my Time, Money, and Energy"
Red (600 classes minimum)
All the above plus: A) 5 combinations you will have created and trained on in advance, one defensive and four offensive techniques B) Sensei's Combinations: Any six techniques in any order. C) Kote Gaeshi, Ikkyo, Sankyo, all against various flowing attacks D) Jiu-Jitsu Techniques: triangle choke 48, hook arm inside sweep 65, arm inside arm bar 66, standing sweep, omoplata 64, achilles ankle lock 58, defense against rear two handed neck grab 76, various guard passes to side mount, side mount to full mount E) Free Grappling F) Paper two pages to be read out loud: "How I Can Use My Martial Arts to Positively Impact the Lives of Others"
Red with Black Stripe (800 classes minimum)
All the above plus: A) 5 combinations you will have created and trained on in advance with one defensive, and four offensive techniques. B) Sensei's Combinations: Any six techniques in any order. C) Kote Gaeshi, Ikkyo, Sankyo, all against various flowing attacks D) Jiu-Jitsu Techniques: Knee bar from guard 77, stacking guard into ankle lock 75, cobra, crucifix E) Sparring, two vs one F) Three knife defenses; at neck palm up and palm down, stabbing toward body from front and back, from behind headlock G) Two page paper titled: "How I Have Made Martial Arts a Way of Life"
Black (1000 classes and ten years of practice minimum)
Currently in our style Black Sash is the highest rank that can be achieved. Our black sash is not simply another step on a journey but represents the highest current rank granted.
Not every Red sash is invited nor will complete the training.
5. Teen Rank Requirements (Age 10-16)
All tests are formal and the wearing of a formal white gi jacket is mandatory. After White, students must know how to correctly tie their own belt. In addition to the physical requirements all ranks tests will also include verbal questioning over the specific details of technique, as well as Martial Art etiquette and tradition. Please register your student for their exam in advance here.
- Student must know and be able to repeat out loud their requirements for all ranks:
White (10 tokens turned in)
Also guardian completion of the tutorial found at: www.ohiomartialarts.com/onboard (no test). Student must learn to tie their belt before the white belt is permitted to be worn in class.
Neon Yellow (Must have earned two black stripes)
- Student must be able to repeat out loud their requirements: head hug block, jab, cross, hook punch, uppercut, front kick, knee strike rising delivery
Gold (Must have earned two black stripes)
- All the above plus: side step front foot high block front hand, side step front foot high block back hand, side step back foot high block front hand, palm strike, nukite, roundhouse kick
Neon Orange (Must have earned two black stripes)
- All the above plus: hammer fist downward delivery, hammer fist reverse delivery, low palm strike, Haku Geri, Side kick
Dark Orange (Must have earned two black stripes)
- All the above plus: side step front foot low block front hand, side step front foot low block back arm, side step back foot low block front arm, elbow strike downward delivery, elbow strike roundhouse delivery, elbow strike rising delivery, elbow strike reverse delivery
Red (Must have earned two black stripes)
- All the above plus: knife hand downward delivery, knife hand reverse delivery, snake strike, crane strike, hook kick, back kick
Blue (Must have earned two black stripes)
- All the above plus: chudan block, jodan block, backfist, hieto (ridgehand), knee strike roundhouse delivery, inside crescent kick, outside crescent kick, axe kick, fumokomi geri. Blue belt testing will also require striking pads at full power to demonstrate correctness of technique and conditioning.
Many of the techniques in high rank tests below will be demonstrated during controlled free rolling, chin-na, and free sparring. Note: (Numbers beside high rank skills are page numbers from the book “Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu: Theory and Technique” by John Danaher and Henzo Gracie)
Green (Must have earned four black stripes)
- All the above plus: A) 2 combinations you will have created and trained on in advance. Each combination will consist of one defensive technique and three offensive techniques demonstrated on both sides. B) Sensei's Combinations: Be able to demonstrate up to any four techniques in any order. C) Kote Gaeshi from all wrist and lapel grabs D) Jiu-Jitsu Techniques: falling - front, back, side, front and back roll outs, closed guard, open guard, butterfly guard, full mount, side mount, north-south, knee in stomach, escape from wrist grabs both one and two handed grabs, technical lift stand up E) Kata Kumite F) Side Stepping Drill with partner
Purple (Must have earned four black stripes)
- All the above plus: A) 3 combinations you will have created and trained on in advance. Each combination will consist of one defensive technique and three offensive techniques demonstrated on both sides. B) Sensei's Combinations: Be able to demonstrate up to any five techniques in any order. C) Ikkyo from all wrist and lapel grabs D) Jiu-Jitsu Techniques: Upa Pg.3, Shrimp Pg. 49, Scissors Sweep Pg. 18, Push sweep against wide post Pg. 26, single arm bar from guard Pg. 51, double arm bar from guard, hip heist from guard
Brown (Must have earned four black stripes)
- All the above plus: A) 5 combinations you will have created and trained on in advance. Each combination will consist of one defensive technique and three offensive techniques demonstrated on both sides. B) Sensei's Combinations: Any six techniques in any order. C) Sankyo from the following attacks: lapel grab, cross hand wrist grab, same side wrist grab, two hand wrist grab from the front, two handed wrist grab from behind D) Jiu-Jitsu Techniques: stack Pg. 17, elbow escape from side mount Pg. 30, kimura from guard Pg.34, guillotine from guard Pg. 37, defense against shoulder grab Pg. 40
Ni Kyu - Brown with White Center (Must have earned eight black stripes)
- All the above plus: A) 5 combinations you will have created and trained on in advance. Each combination will consist of one defensive technique and four offensive techniques demonstrated on both sides. B) Sensei's Combinations: Be able to demonstrate up to any six techniques in any order. C) Kote Gaeshi, Ikkyo, and Sankyo from all wrist and lapel grabs D) Jiu-Jitsu Techniques: defense against bent over headlock, finger lock against choke Pg. 74, Americana Pg. 19, double ankle grab sweep Pg. 23, frame/ headlock or bear hug escape Pg. 28 E)
Ei Kyu - Brown with Red Stripe (Must have earned ten black stripes)
All the above plus: A) 5 combinations you will have created and trained on in advance. Each combination will consist of one defensive technique and five offensive techniques demonstrated on both sides. B) Sensei's Combinations: Be able to demonstrate up to any seven techniques in any order. C) Jiu-Jitsu Techniques: defense against rear bear hug Pg. 13, defense against standing rear choke, rear naked choke Pg. 46, triangle choke Pg. 48, hook arm inside sweep Pg. 65, standing sweep, escape from guard to side mount, side mount to full mount D) ) Read "Zen in the Martial Arts" and write a two page paper on your favorite chapter and why. (To be read out loud)
When a Teen reaches the age of sixteen they are eligible to also attend our adult class. Since the rank colors, expectations, and requirements are different and more difficult for an adult than a teen there is no direct correlation between a teen belt and an adult sash. When a teen is ready to make the jump to adults they will be given the opportunity to test in at a level that best matches their skills.
6. Dragon Rank Requirements (Age 6-10)
All tests are formal and the wearing of a formal white jacket is mandatory. After white, students must know how to correctly tie their own belt. In addition to the physical requirements all ranks tests will also include some verbal questioning to be certain the student understands the specific details of their technique. Please register your student for their exam in advance here.
White (10 tokens turned in) - no test
Also guardian completion of onboard tutorial found at: www.ohiomartialarts.com/onboard - Student must learn to tie their belt before the white belt is permitted to be worn in class.
Neon Yellow (Must have earned two black stripes)
- Student must be able to repeat out loud their requirements:
Jab, Cross, Front Kick, Knee strike rising delivery
Gold (Must have earned two black stripes)
All the above plus: Uppercut, Hook Punch, Head Hug Block
First Orange (Stripe in Middle) (Must have earned two black stripes)
All the above plus: Palm strike, Roundhouse kick, Hook kick
Second Orange (Half Orange) (Must have earned two black stripes)
All the above plus: Hammerfist downward delivery, Hammerfist reverse delivery, Axe kick
Red (Must have earned two black stripes)
All the above plus: Nukite, Knee strike roundhouse delivery, Fumokomi geri
Blue (Must have earned two black stripes)
All the above plus: Chudan block, Jodan block, Head Hug block, Side Kick
Green (Must have earned four black stripes)
All the above plus: Side step front foot high block front hand, Low palm strike, Backfist
Purple (Must have earned four black stripes)
All the above plus: Side step back foot high block front hand, Side step front foot high block back hand, Snake strike, Elbow strike roundhouse delivery, Elbow strike reverse delivery (front arm only)
Teal (Must have earned four black stripes)
All the above plus: Side step front foot low block front hand, Side step back foot low block front hand, Elbow strike downward delivery, Elbow strike rising delivery, Crane strike, Rising delivery Haku geri
Tan (Must have earned four black stripes)
All the above plus: Side step front foot low block back hand, Knife hand downward deliver, Knife hand reverse delivery (front hand only), Heito, Inside crescent kick, Outside crescent kick, Back kick (back leg only)
When a Dragon reaches the age of ten they are eligible to also attend our teen class. Since the rank colors, expectations, and requirements are different and more difficult for a teen than a Dragon there is no direct correlation between a Dragon belt and a teen belt. When a Dragon is ready to make the jump to teens they will be allowed to test into a teen rank that best fits their then current skill level.
7. The Reward System For Dragons and Teen Students:
Our system is super easy and rewards kids for regular class attendance, and it even teaches them how to save! Here’s how it works:
1. Each time a student attends class they will be given one token. It is the responsibility of the student to be careful to keep their tokens in a safe place and save them. (Yes tokens are a reward; but they are also designed to help kids learn to save and teach them personal responsibility.)
2. Each time a student accumulates 10 tokens they will turn them in for a reward. After the first 10 are turned in a youth student will receive their white belt. (Students are required to tie their own belt in order to wear it in class).
3. Every 10 tokens turned in moving forward represents a black stripe on the current belt. Each rank must earn a certain number of stripes in order to eligible for the next test.
This is a fun (and fairly simple) part of our program. Kids love it when they get the hang of it; they learn about saving and personal responsibility, it helps them stay motivated too. The lesson we want kids to learn above all else is this: Showing up isn't the only thing necessary to prosper; but showing up IS a vitally important.
8. Tiger (3 -6 Years of age) Requirements (Scroll down to see each belt)
Tigers Program (Register for Tests Here)
Our 3-6 year old program is designed to give your kids an advantage in coordination, listening, and learning.
The number one rule when working with children of this age is STRUCTURE. Our youngest students perform best when the know what to expect, and have absolute consistency.
The tool we use to help children with their listening and focusing comes from the marvelous book: 1,2,3, Magic, by Thomas W. Phelan PHD. (Modified of course to work in our classroom). While the system we use is very simple - it is also very powerful and can be brought into your home life as well.
Here are our simple rules:
- When there is an inappropriate behavior there will be little or no emotion and attention given.
If there is an inappropriate behavior we will say: “That’s one”
Another inappropriate behavior and we say: “That’s two”
A third violation and: “That’s three”.
If a child gets to “three” then they simply do not get a prize at the end of class. (Parents who use the system at home use a “three” as the sign that a child must go to a time out for a short period - usually 1 minute per year of age.)
We do give lots of emotion and attention to positive behaviors!
To get the most from your child’s program do everything you can to bring them to class with consistency, on time, and on the same days each week. (Of course we have lots of classes available if for some reason a particular day doesn't work out for one reason or another) But if you will try and consistently bring your child on regular days, you will be amazed at the results over time.
After each class parents should pick up a “Tiger Buck”. Keep these "bucks" in a safe place because they may be cashed in for your child's White Belt and stripes.
White Belt
(10 “tiger bucks” turned in and guardian completion of the tutorial found at: www.ohiomartialarts.com/onboard (no test)
Parents please notify us before class so that your child can get their belt in front of the other children.
Yellow Velcro (3 Stripes)
Children will be tested over knowing their Left from Right, Jab and Cross
Orange Velcro (3 Stripes)
Children will be tested over Hammer Fist, Front Kick, and everything above.
Red Velcro (3 Stripes)
Children will be tested over Knife Hand, Palm Strike, and everything above.
Blue Velcro (3 Stripes)
Children will be tested over Downward Delivery Elbow, Rising Knee, and everything above.
Green Velcro (3 Stripes)
Children will be tested over Uppercut, Hook Punch, Back Kick, and everything above.
The goal of our Tigers program is to allow your child to move up into the next group (Dragon’s). Since there is no direct correlation between belts; we are looking for some of the following improvements to help parents know when a child is ready.
- When a child continues to follow the structure and system even when other children may be misbehaving around them
- When a child responds quickly to the requests of the teacher consistently
- When a child can control their body enough to not run into other children when lining up or playing
Parents Note: It takes time
Most of the growth in our happen on its own. The structure of the classroom will cause the changes you want in your child. For some children this can take a year or more, for others less time, but ALL kids in our Tigers class eventually catch on. Please be patient with your child, and remember as long as they are having fun and attending regularly they WILL get the focus you brought them to us for.
Getting the kind of focus we teach at such a young age is without question the best investment you could ever make. Theses skills will give your child countless opportunities later in life.